Mindfulness is achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. 


Trained in the trauma-informed practices of accessible yoga styles and Integrative Restorative Meditation (iRest©), I teach people— specifically those in high-stress occupations— how to achieve mindfulness by utilizing their bodies’ innate abilities to find ease and move through stressful situations.

Be it for an employer’s staff, a small group, or for an individual, my training provides a healing space wherein people can make a plan for resilience that’s specific to their distinct needs, experiences and goals. Everyone has innate inner strength. And through the practices listed below, I help people tap into that power— into their INNER WARRIORS— so they can navigate the rigors of stressful occupations and, ultimately, find breathing room in life.

Proven strategies that foster resilience, tactical breath work and leveraging inner strength can help people regulate their nervous system and process trauma.

And having a law enforcement family and background in special education, my coaching practice is centered around inclusion and, subsequently, accessible to everyone— regardless of physical ability.

Training Components

Whether you contract with me to provide a one-hour or full-day session, the framework of each training includes the following as related to the topics listed:

  • iRest© Meditation (Brain)
  • Breathwork Strategies (Breath)
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Body)
    • Yoga: Yin, Kharma, Vinyasa, Accessible, Restorative, Trauma-Informed, Certified Warriors at Ease
  • Take-home Materials
Training Topics
  • Nervous System Regulation and Sleep Disruption Support for First Responders and People Working in High-Stress Positions
  • iRest© Meditation | An Experiential Workshop
  • The Practices of Resilience
  • Custom Topics Also Available

Organizations & Groupswith whom Jenn has worked

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